"Healing is meeting yourself where you are.. with openness and compassion."
- Kylie Enkelmann
I Told Myself I Couldn’t, Now It’s Easy!
The main thing that came out of this program for me was that I realized I was holding myself back mentally because I told myself I couldn’t do it. Now I think it’s so EASY! I feel really great about my business!
Hayley Egan, Commercial Artist
I Had Severe Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia
At the time of working with Kylie I had severe stress, anxiety and insomnia. I had been seeing a psychologist on and off for many years and used more traditional and scientific approaches. Instantaneously after my session with Kylie I felt a huge weight lift off me. I felt calmer and lighter. This feeling has remained. If I start to feel overwhelmed and I think about the sessions I feel calmer and lighter again.
Rita A.
A lot of things have changed...
What I've learned from (Kylie) is a very powerful concept - that I choose and I give myself permission... My vibrational reality has changed... How people relate to me is different. How they see me is different...
Zsuzsanna Hay, Child Development Coach
Doing this work allowed me to change my business model, think bigger, and have more belief in myself.
"I started off wanting to set business goals, as what I was doing wasn't sustainable and I didn't know what to do about it... I discovered that I really needed to look at myself.
Now my goals feel achievable, I'm selective with who I work, and I'm making better decisions."
Christina Reed, Interior Designer & Buyers Agent
I Have The Answers Within Me
The work I did with Kylie has enabled me to create a better understanding of the relationship between my mind and body. I am able to heal myself, and I am confident that I have all the answers within me.
Bianca Sciessere
YES to new opportunities because I feel like it might drain me...
Now I can take the brakes off, and let it happen! I'm valuing my vision and what I do a lot more. My own special brand of magic is valuable and no one is going to know about it if I don't share it... It feels really clear, streamlined, simple, joyful, and straightforward!
Megan Forward, Author & Artist
Why Not Do What You Want?
Kylie really helped me to get to the point of saying, “Why the F*%k not?” Why not do what you want to do? Who is to say that you can’t do all those things and be successful and happy?
AJ Cook
I Am Now Able To Be Honest About What I Want
One of the biggest outcomes that I gained from the program is that I am now able to be honest with myself about what I want, and to express it to other people. The program has a really great structure and creates space to have clarity and be truthful.
Alison D.
It Had Affected My Self Worth For Decades
Kylie shows real empathy, she is professional and builds trust with her client. She was able to assist me to unravel some very deep issues that had affected my sense of self worth for decades.IT IS POSSIBLE...
Robin McConchie